Monday, September 15, 2008

Make Money - Give your Opinion (RateItAll)

Just like with paid surveys, the opinions of consumers are worth their weight in gold. Product reviews help companies create, improve, and market their products. In the online space, customers can broadcast their thoughts and greatly impact the reputation of products and services. Your contributions are so valuable that many websites will pay you for them. Let's take a look at RateItAll, one of the most prominent pay-for-opinion website models.

An online community for sharing opinions, this website deals primarily with consumer reviews but goes far beyond that with rating lists on everything from Olympic sports to Firefox plug-ins. These ratings provide a great resource for comparison shoppers helping them make more informed decisions. The reason we're mentioning it here is because RateItAll is a revenue sharing site where you can make money as a contributer to the site. Before you sign-up for RateItAll, sign-up for Google AdSense. Then, when you join RateItAll, you can opt into their 50/50 revenue sharing program. You will earn 50% of the Google ad revenue generated from the lists you create on the site.

Tips to maximize earnings:
  • Add complete and accurate titles to your lists.
  • Full, well written list descriptions will help your rate lists get more traffic. M0re traffic = more money!
  • Create controversial lists. Controversy gets people talking. The more people you can get to contribute to your lists, the better.
  • Write honest and quality reviews. People appreciate good information. Share your knowledge and experiences and you might just develop a following.

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